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  • Africa still Remembers Dictator Yoweri Museveni's War Crimes

    Virunga Mountains

    Dictator Yoweri museveni

    Tyrant Yoweri Museveni might have friends in Western Capitals protecting him from all the crimes he has committed, such as; Use of child soldiers, Conscripting or enlisting children under the age of 15 years into armed forces or groups, or using them to participate actively in hostilities (refer to the so called "Kadogos" of Luwero and in DR Congo);but one day...one day, will be pay back time!

    Yoweri Museveni

    Yoweri Museveni

    Yoweri Museveni

    Yoweri museveni must be charged

    Here are some of the charges;

    Acts of terrorism - in Luwero, Gulu, Southern Sudan, Rwanda, and Congo. Terrorising the civilian population and collective punishments You can add setting off bombs around Kampala and Jinja some years back.

    Murder - Unlawful killings All the killings of prominent people during the time of Amin, Obote II, Lule, Binaise till now. This has been the work of Museveni and FRONASA. Witnesses are still alive and will pin him.

    Extreme violence to life, health and physical or mental well-being of persons, in particular murder

    Sexual violence - Rape In Congo and Gulu (refer to the IDP camps)

    Sexual slavery and other forms of sexual violence (DR Congo and Gulu) Outrages upon personal dignity ( DR Congo and Gulu) Physical violence Violence to life, health and physical or mental well being of persons, in particular cruel treatment (refer to what happened and is still happening in DR Congo and Gulu) !Other inhumane acts (refer to IDP camps in Gulu)

    Use of child soldiers Conscripting or enlisting children under the age of 15 years into armed forces or groups, or using them to participate actively in hostilities (refer to the so called "Kadogos" of Luwero and in DR Congo)

    Abductions and forced labour Enslavement (refer to DR Congo and Gulu camps)

    Looting Pillaging (refer to the UN reports on DR Congo and Teak wood from Southern Sudan) Ugandans, never forget, you and your great grand kids have a debt of US$ 10 Billion hanging over head. This is not some theoretical problem, it is real and we better take it seriously.

    Money Laundering Refer to the on going case of one Ananias Tumukunde who was arrested in London with British Pounds 120,000 Money is also laundred in local assets like Garden City complex in Kampala, and others which will come to light one day.

    Arms Smuggling Refer to the incident when a Uganda Airlines plane was impounded in Yugoslavia some years back.

    yoweri museveni

    Some of his Key Lieutenants like Piere Bemba(the fat boy) and Thomas Lubanga are already in the international Criminal Court at the Hague. However, its the very so called international Community, mainly USA and United Kingdom that is sponsoring Yoweri Museveni's genocide against the African people. The Solution will be a people's regime change, that will hang him and then his smelly body fed to starving vultures, so that a bloody chapter in the African history is closed. Yes, that day is coming very soon and the world will be shocked how events can turn in Africa.

    Free Uganda