Any serious 3D Artist will agree with me that, all the character [human] objects out there are mostly Eurocentric.
The once in a while afro 3D face is not the real Nubian but a Eurocentric distortion of the African.
This new project will become a source for African 3D Objects for future Multimedia authors.
This Character is all from a single box that was modeled in lightwave to create a human face for my animation
that will be featured on Free Uganda TV.
With 3D, creativity is seamless....
Okey, you might be thinking that [ rubbish, is that all??] is the only face I can model. Hehehe, very Wrong!
This is the start of big things....
I am now willing to forgive myself for believing there is something wrong with being wrong about some things!
What's wrong with being wrong? Does going Pink make you a Sis? I keep asking myself.
I was worried to use pink for fear of not recovering. For sure I'm not a Sis but just taking a step in a direction that
could ultimately take me off course.
Here is a prayer for those that might have called me a Sis. Blessed and Divine spirit of Colors,
I ask for and accept your forgiveness for anything that I have done in violation of the law of colors.
African contemporary Art:
I've been working on some new art for sometime that is overdue for release. However, I wasn't able to do so because
I was still stranded in Western Kivu,DR Congo. I'm now back in the Virunga mountains and I'll continue from were I left...
I promise to release some mind bending Art very soon. Meanwhile enjoy some of my old art:
African Frozen Animation
African Contemporary Art
More African Art coming Soon... African Art of the day; African Modern Art
Some people might want to ask me that ; i.e. Do you have to go to school to learn Art? Ofcourse not, I stopped in primary six (P6),
I hated school, because I never believed that the teachers were saying the truth-I felt embarrassed going to strangers every cold morning(for those who have been to the Virunga Mountains, you know how cold it can be in the morning) to be told lies and made to parade and sing silly songs. Ehh,Home study is the best. Education on paper is fake. The Greatest Ugandan Leader Dr. Idi Amin Dada Had the best economic and strategic planning for the ugandan masses. The most intelligent class of people in Uganda, Abayaye (the sharp ones) never went to school. School makes you stupid, look at Sebbagala (kampala Mayor), when he enrolled in School, he became stupid! PHD holders in Uganda are the most stupid!!!