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Political Wank - Page 2

  • Uganda Political Dilemma;Part 1

    Virunga Mountains

    africa, africa corruption, african art, african dictators, african wars, black art, dictator yoweri museveni, Gen david sejjusa, kaguta museveni, National Resistance Movement, uganda, uganda politics, updf, warcriminals, yoweri museveni

    In Our Uganda Social Struggles, we have three type of People, the consumer of Information,the User of Information and the creator of Information.

    Today, most Ugandans are consumers of information-they wake up and surf the web looking for what various news outlets have reported,etc. This group is very active at wanting to know... and making comments on various media, becomes almost an occupation. They tend to be living in a bubble of intelligentsia and stuck in the same time warp.

    • They Wake up and find out what people have written and commented, then answer all the comments using  Tonto and Mandazi ideology.
    • Facebook and Twitter platforms becomes their life-line of social networking,thus traditional human networking becomes tiresome, as they're suffering from computer Bytes exhaustion, and their Mantra becomes, " MWANA NkOYE" I want to chill!
    • They know how to talk loud in local boozers and regardless of their Mandazi brains, they have and must win all the arguments.


    The problem with this group, they're everywhere and come across to serious revolutionary as useful. But Wapi, Nebikwangala afazali Zero is better, because you know its Zero-just keep away from them- they're the best cowards,greedy, and gossiping too much is in their DNA. If you want to waste another 20 years waiting for something to happen...then join them.

    africa, africa corruption, african art, african dictators, african wars, black art, dictator yoweri museveni, Gen david sejjusa, kaguta museveni, National Resistance Movement, uganda, uganda politics, updf, warcriminals, yoweri museveni

    The Way society reacts to information has changed very much,call it information fatigue,exhaustion, tiredness, languidness, languor, lassitude, and listlessness-people no longer enjoy reading long texts as they get confused...Uhh, that's how people are messed-up!

    africa, africa corruption, african art, african dictators, african wars, black art, dictator yoweri museveni, Gen david sejjusa, kaguta museveni, National Resistance Movement, uganda, uganda politics, updf, warcriminals, yoweri museveni

    For that reason, I'll serialise this topic. Next week, I'll introduce the second(2nd) user of information. This type is very important to any revolutionary process, be it executing or countering the revolution.

    africa, africa corruption, african art, african dictators, african wars, black art, dictator yoweri museveni, Gen david sejjusa, kaguta museveni, National Resistance Movement, uganda, uganda politics, updf, warcriminals, yoweri museveni

    africa, africa corruption, african art, african dictators, african wars, black art, dictator yoweri museveni, Gen david sejjusa, kaguta museveni, National Resistance Movement, uganda, uganda politics, updf, warcriminals, yoweri museveni

    africa, africa corruption, african art, african dictators, african wars, black art, dictator yoweri museveni, Gen david sejjusa, kaguta museveni, National Resistance Movement, uganda, uganda politics, updf, warcriminals, yoweri museveni

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh,No!!!! We'are Dead....

    africa, africa corruption, african art, african dictators, african wars, black art, dictator yoweri museveni, Gen david sejjusa, kaguta museveni, National Resistance Movement, uganda, uganda politics, updf, warcriminals, yoweri museveni

    History teaches us that Short Revolutions have never empowered the people but a clique of individuals as we see in Uganda and Rwanda.


    Joram Jojo

    Free Uganda
  • How Rwanda Politicians Abuse the Youth

    Virunga Mountains

    Paul Kagame,Kagame,Rwanda,Ange Kagame,Jannette Kagame,Cyomoro Ivana,Kagame Crimes,Kigali,RPF

    This project is a continuation from deconstructing Paul Kagame's narrative of a wonderful Rwanda, and what Rwanda is all about in the eyes of Banyarwanda children. I'll be mixing Kinyarwanda,English,French, and Swahili as are the main languages spoken in Rwanda.

    The main idea behind this project is to try and find the reason behind Criminal Paul Kagame's , I know it and I'm right attitude. When an entire people become a prisoner and at the mercy of one little fuck, then you know that something somewhere has gone wrong.


    We see foreign bourgeois mainly from USA &UK being paid huge sums of Rwanda Tax payers,savings and pensions to paint Criminal Paul Kagame with bright colours as the founder of Rwanda. Thus, Anglo-Saxon petty-bourgeois are made to believe that Rwanda came into existence after 1994. Basically, their ideological trend  is one that holds democratic and freedom prejudices against Banyarwanda, because they don't want to see them also in more or less petty-bourgeois conditions of life such as;Freedom of Speech,Liberty,Human rights,etc.

    Paul Kagame,Kagame,Rwanda,Ange Kagame,Jannette Kagame,Cyomoro Ivana,Kagame Crimes,Kigali,RPF

    Today we continue to see the USA and UK bourgeois championing out-right plunder of Banyarwanda Democratic principles  by clipping the most autocratic lethal chains on their necks. However, facts are stubborn things, Paul Kagame will always be another little anal in the heart of a white man-meaning that, enjoy while it lasts.


    This week I thought that, it would be a good idea to make a presentation of how politicians see and treat Banyarwanda children;

    Paul Kagame,Kagame,Rwanda,Ange Kagame,Jannette Kagame,Cyomoro Ivana,Kagame Crimes,Kigali,RPF

    Paul Kagame,Kagame,Rwanda,Ange Kagame,Jannette Kagame,Cyomoro Ivana,Kagame Crimes,Kigali,RPF

    Paul Kagame,Kagame,Rwanda,Ange Kagame,Jannette Kagame,Cyomoro Ivana,Kagame Crimes,Kigali,RPF

    Paul Kagame,Kagame,Rwanda,Ange Kagame,Jannette Kagame,Cyomoro Ivana,Kagame Crimes,Kigali,RPF

    Paul Kagame,Kagame,Rwanda,Ange Kagame,Jannette Kagame,Cyomoro Ivana,Kagame Crimes,Kigali,RPF

    Paul Kagame,Kagame,Rwanda,Ange Kagame,Jannette Kagame,Cyomoro Ivana,Kagame Crimes,Kigali,RPF

    Paul Kagame,Kagame,Rwanda,Ange Kagame,Jannette Kagame,Cyomoro Ivana,Kagame Crimes,Kigali,RPF

    Paul Kagame,Kagame,Rwanda,Ange Kagame,Jannette Kagame,Cyomoro Ivana,Kagame Crimes,Kigali,RPF

    Paul Kagame,Kagame,Rwanda,Ange Kagame,Jannette Kagame,Cyomoro Ivana,Kagame Crimes,Kigali,RPF

    Paul Kagame,Kagame,Rwanda,Ange Kagame,Jannette Kagame,Cyomoro Ivana,Kagame Crimes,Kigali,RPF

    Paul Kagame,Kagame,Rwanda,Ange Kagame,Jannette Kagame,Cyomoro Ivana,Kagame Crimes,Kigali,RPF

    Paul Kagame,Kagame,Rwanda,Ange Kagame,Jannette Kagame,Cyomoro Ivana,Kagame Crimes,Kigali,RPF

    Paul Kagame,Kagame,Rwanda,Ange Kagame,Jannette Kagame,Cyomoro Ivana,Kagame Crimes,Kigali,RPF

    As you can observe from the presentation, Rwanda Politicians have no respect for the youth, as they're only useful during elections, but after they're nothing to them.

    joram jojo

    Free Uganda
  • The Paul Kagame way in Rwanda

    Virunga Mountains

    Paul Kagame,Kagame,Rwanda,Ange Kagame,Jannette Kagame,Cyomoro Ivana,Kagame Crimes,Kigali,RPF

    Criminal Paul Kagame has discovered a new insurance Scam. The scam involves putting certain properties on the insurance market and then you burn them to claim huge sums of money, usually paid in dollars. However, in a transparent market, the insurance investigators would spend a great time investigating the cause of the fires. But this is not the case in Paul Kagame's Yoyo land, as the investigators and the arsonists work for Paul Kagame. Its believed that,the new scam is a mastermind of Nigerian mafia.

    The burning of Rwanda has not started today, but a well planned and calculated crime, by Paul Kagame's Insurance fraudsters. The insurance fraud is a trans-African scam that is very chronic in Equatorial Guinea and Nigeria.What the scammers do, they page(bet) an insurance hedge fund  on a property in Rwanda as a liability.

    Thus, Most new buildings cropping up in Rwanda, are considered liabilities by international money market people- In short, they'll be set on fire in future to claim huge sums of money.

    But  we should all agree that Rwanda’s financial system is shallow and so fragmented. Thus,Rwanda’s financial systems is made of two segments- retail banking and a few insurance companies- that have no capacity to finance an over-hyped growing economy. Also another point to make here, Rwanda is the only country in the world with  no weather insurance that farmers can tap-in.

    paul kagame,rwanda,kigali,jannette kagame


    This makes it difficult for farmers to access funding from financial institutions-a country with a hilly topography makes it more vulnerable to lightening and floods. This does not makes sense, not to have weather insurance-thus, in emerging economy Blocs such as the BRICS, Rwandan farmers will miss out due to the incompetence of its government.

    Okay, the reason I'm stuck on weather insurance, is because many arson in Rwanda  have been blamed on lightening, but in some cases, there was no sign of rain as lightening has to have a source, rain.

    What people should also understand, is the secret war within the Rwanda underground criminal syndicate-you see with underground crime, it has always been agreed  never do business in another criminal's  territory-this has resulted in many vandalism, and arson attacks on the business or property of the competition.

    paul kagame,rwanda,kigali,jannette kagame


    The Rwandan mafia has the darkest souls(Imitima yashitani) that they wouldn't give a damn if they burnt a hospital,church,mosque,a school,etc. in order to make money or humiliate someone.


    If you can remember very well, they set fire on APARUDE, a private secondary school in Ruhango District and twice on buildings at Byimana School of Sciences in Ruhango District, Southern Province. Why? Because a certain mafia member had got into the education sector without Paul Kagame's permission.


    However, this enabled the mafia to collect insurance dollars twice on the misfortune of school children.

    paul kagame,rwanda,kigali,jannette kagame

    Today, his wife has seen a gap in the market of fire extinguishers, and now the Mafia has instructed all Banyarwanda and residents of Rwanda to buy two fire extinguishers.


    Some people might ask, how about the prisons, aka correctional facilities.


    The answer is very simple-as in Rwanda there's nothing like a correction facility, but labor camps to provide slave labor to Paul Kagame's black markets like;construction,digging and growing coffee for Starbucks,cleaning,homosexual sex slaves for american and British tourists,etc.


    When one member of the Mafia uses slave labor from Rubavu Correctional Services to construct  for himself a new panyas(short-cut) to transport more marijuana pollen(yes, Rwanda is  the big exporter of Marijuana pollen in the region), than the others-thus, taking more business. That's when the other Mafia boss will swear how he will kusyahura(do) whoever is taking away business and coming into his patch.


    That's when the poor slave labor becomes a casualty of attacks to decapitate it and also send a warning to the competition, by burning down the facility that houses them. Because, the mafia boss Paul Kagame is the greediest, most selfish, Militaristic,Materialistic,Cruel with absolutely no grain of Patriotism towards Rwanda-Most hateful/spiteful to Banyarwanda as they die of preventable diseases while he loots their taxes and spends like he inherited Trillions.

    paul kagame,rwanda,kigali,jannette kagame

    In short, one can describe the cause of arson in Rwanda, to be due to competition wars between several RPF criminal families that are at war among themselves. Its very likely this could result into something bigger and very nasty.
    Joram Jojo
    Free Uganda
  • Rwanda Useless President

    Virunga Mountains

    Abanyarwanda, africa, Akazu, Byumba, colonel Patrick Karegeya, Congo, Congo Genocide, Democratic Republic of Congo, General Charles Kayonga, General Kayumba, hutu, James Kabarebe, janet kagame, jannet kagame, Jeannette Nyiramongi Kagame, Joseph Sebarenzi, Juvenal Habyarimana, Kagame's Crimes, Kayumba Nyamwasa, Opportunities to invest in Rwanda, Pasteur Bizimungu, RPF, Rudasingwa, Rwanda Defence Forces, rwanda ,Congo Crimes, Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC, Jeannette Kagame, Paul kagame, RDC, Rwanda, Rwanda Patriotic Army, Rwanda Press

    We would like to take this moment to apologise to readers of this blog for having been absent for a while. The main reason was not fear or abandoning the cause, but a feasibility study and observation of the dictatorship and the region. The way we observed the mindset of Criminal Paul kagame, several observations were made, and today we shall analyse one of them

    What we discovered was that, criminal Paul Kagame has five active parts of the brain:

    • Criminal
    • Inferiority Complex
    • Greed
    • Obsessiveness
    • Fear and Cowardly

    Abanyarwanda, africa, Akazu, Byumba, colonel Patrick Karegeya, Congo, Congo Genocide, Democratic Republic of Congo, General Charles Kayonga, General Kayumba, hutu, James Kabarebe, janet kagame, jannet kagame, Jeannette Nyiramongi Kagame, Joseph Sebarenzi, Juvenal Habyarimana, Kagame's Crimes, Kayumba Nyamwasa, Opportunities to invest in Rwanda, Pasteur Bizimungu, RPF, Rudasingwa, Rwanda Defence Forces, rwanda ,Congo Crimes, Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC, Jeannette Kagame, Paul kagame, RDC, Rwanda, Rwanda Patriotic Army, Rwanda Press

    Today we shall discuss the looseness of his brain that happens to be the criminal part-due to its characteristic of expanding like a bubble, it tends to trigger other parts .We promise to discuss the rest extensively in our coming issues.

    We found that, his criminal part of the brain was like a useless chewing gum that is toxic and a nuisance to society, as its fond of finding its way on everything and everywhere. The reason why we use this example of a useless chewing gum, is from the observation we've made over a number of years.

    Abanyarwanda, africa, Akazu, Byumba, colonel Patrick Karegeya, Congo, Congo Genocide, Democratic Republic of Congo, General Charles Kayonga, General Kayumba, hutu, James Kabarebe, janet kagame, jannet kagame, Jeannette Nyiramongi Kagame, Joseph Sebarenzi, Juvenal Habyarimana, Kagame's Crimes, Kayumba Nyamwasa, Opportunities to invest in Rwanda, Pasteur Bizimungu, RPF, Rudasingwa, Rwanda Defence Forces, rwanda ,Congo Crimes, Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC, Jeannette Kagame, Paul kagame, RDC, Rwanda, Rwanda Patriotic Army, Rwanda Press

     Like a useless chewing gum, Dictator Paul kagame has no shame at betraying anyone. When you buy chewing gum, most of the time its all packaged nice and appealing. Just like criminal Paul Kagame, the first time you meet him, he comes across as innocent and with an out going personality.But after a while, you come to realise that your assumption of him was very wrong,and his a hardcore violent criminal.

    The main reason why one would want to put a chewing gum in their mouth, is to clear the bad smell, and not feel guilty that they smell and stink. Thus, anyone you see praising and worshiping Criminal Paul Kagame and putting him in their mouths like some sort of chewing gum, are guilty of; tax evasion,money laundering,war crimes,extortion,plundering Congo,child abuse,rape, child sacrifice,devil worshiping and running religious cults,etc.

     Now you can understand why Criminal Paul Kagame is loved and worshiped by regional and international criminals. Thus,by hanging around an African Mafioso boss, and fronting him to the unsuspecting public as a visionary,Messiah,buddy,mate,comrade, sophisticated, Rwanda magician…you can always add more here. This makes them feel relaxed from any guilt that they might be suffering from. Thus, the Banana republic autocrat, becomes a form of therapy.

    Abanyarwanda, africa, Akazu, Byumba, colonel Patrick Karegeya, Congo, Congo Genocide, Democratic Republic of Congo, General Charles Kayonga, General Kayumba, hutu, James Kabarebe, janet kagame, jannet kagame, Jeannette Nyiramongi Kagame, Joseph Sebarenzi, Juvenal Habyarimana, Kagame's Crimes, Kayumba Nyamwasa, Opportunities to invest in Rwanda, Pasteur Bizimungu, RPF, Rudasingwa, Rwanda Defence Forces, rwanda ,Congo Crimes, Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC, Jeannette Kagame, Paul kagame, RDC, Rwanda, Rwanda Patriotic Army, Rwanda Press

    "Over the years the glamour of Hollywood and the glamour of the underworld and organized crime have often crossed paths.
    Gotti was a Mafia superstar in the 1980s, always elegantly dressed and not the least bit camera-shy. Throngs of admirers lined up in front of the Rav-enite Social Club just to get a glimpse. Andy Warhol painted Gotti’s picture for the cover of Time magazine."

    History teaches us that crime bosses, Mafiosos, Mobsters, and Gangsters have always been celebrated in the west and their life stories became movies on our big screens, ie, The godfather,Carlito’s Way,etc.are one of the best selling movies. Now you can understand why criminal Paul Kagame is always around celebrities and his brats(off springs) hanging around the likes of spice girls-as not all children of Presidents and Kings/Queens hang around celebs. Ask yourself, a country that barely produces anything and depends on begging other nations, what else could people want from its leadership??

    Abanyarwanda, africa, Akazu, Byumba, colonel Patrick Karegeya, Congo, Congo Genocide, Democratic Republic of Congo, General Charles Kayonga, General Kayumba, hutu, James Kabarebe, janet kagame, jannet kagame, Jeannette Nyiramongi Kagame, Joseph Sebarenzi, Juvenal Habyarimana, Kagame's Crimes, Kayumba Nyamwasa, Opportunities to invest in Rwanda, Pasteur Bizimungu, RPF, Rudasingwa, Rwanda Defence Forces, rwanda ,Congo Crimes, Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC, Jeannette Kagame, Paul kagame, RDC, Rwanda, Rwanda Patriotic Army, Rwanda Press

    We see them fronting criminal Paul kagame as a visionary leader and as the best thing to have ever emerged from the dark continent of Africa(Sorry, I’m not insulting you guys, but that’s what those fools claim). Thus,the support of murderous rebel groups in neighboring Congo DRC and the running of assassins around the world by Criminal Paul Kagame, is something they admire much. However, with numerous digital information platforms, the citizens of the world are able to research and creatively select the truth from the main sewers of lies that are run by his band of worshipers.

    Abanyarwanda, africa, Akazu, Byumba, colonel Patrick Karegeya, Congo, Congo Genocide, Democratic Republic of Congo, General Charles Kayonga, General Kayumba, hutu, James Kabarebe, janet kagame, jannet kagame, Jeannette Nyiramongi Kagame, Joseph Sebarenzi, Juvenal Habyarimana, Kagame's Crimes, Kayumba Nyamwasa, Opportunities to invest in Rwanda, Pasteur Bizimungu, RPF, Rudasingwa, Rwanda Defence Forces, rwanda ,Congo Crimes, Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC, Jeannette Kagame, Paul kagame, RDC, Rwanda, Rwanda Patriotic Army, Rwanda Press

    That’s why like a useless chewing gum, Criminal Paul Kagame is a waste of space and Irrelevant to Banyarwanda;Yesterday,today,tomorrow, and forever!!!!!!!!!

    After chewing and spitting out a useless gum that is now hurting your jaws and making you thirsty, if you’re not lucky, it will try to stick on your nose or chin or else, it finds its next victim it can stick on as long as its anything it will cling-on till its forcefully removed.

    Abanyarwanda, africa, Akazu, Byumba, colonel Patrick Karegeya, Congo, Congo Genocide, Democratic Republic of Congo, General Charles Kayonga, General Kayumba, hutu, James Kabarebe, janet kagame, jannet kagame, Jeannette Nyiramongi Kagame, Joseph Sebarenzi, Juvenal Habyarimana, Kagame's Crimes, Kayumba Nyamwasa, Opportunities to invest in Rwanda, Pasteur Bizimungu, RPF, Rudasingwa, Rwanda Defence Forces, rwanda ,Congo Crimes, Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC, Jeannette Kagame, Paul kagame, RDC, Rwanda, Rwanda Patriotic Army, Rwanda Press

    When people decide to part company with Paul kagame due to his criminality,arrogance,cheapness,and violence,etc.  He will go to any means to stick on their chin,nose,clothes,business,friends,everything and everywhere. Thus, he becomes desperate and a public nuisance-just like a useless chewing gum that has been spat-out, he will always try to make his presence known on the pavements/floors/walls/seats, etc. that’s why some countries have put in place laws that protects the public and property from chewing gum nuisance. Today, some democratic countries are on the look out for Kagame’s nuisance.

    Abanyarwanda, africa, Akazu, Byumba, colonel Patrick Karegeya, Congo, Congo Genocide, Democratic Republic of Congo, General Charles Kayonga, General Kayumba, hutu, James Kabarebe, janet kagame, jannet kagame, Jeannette Nyiramongi Kagame, Joseph Sebarenzi, Juvenal Habyarimana, Kagame's Crimes, Kayumba Nyamwasa, Opportunities to invest in Rwanda, Pasteur Bizimungu, RPF, Rudasingwa, Rwanda Defence Forces, rwanda ,Congo Crimes, Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC, Jeannette Kagame, Paul kagame, RDC, Rwanda, Rwanda Patriotic Army, Rwanda Press

    What we have residing in Rwanda and claiming to be their leader, is a cold blooded killer that is pathetically trotting the world to market himself as a product for a good cause and reason. Nonsense!

    That’s why we have Rwanda Tax Payers jets being used as his personal property and picking useless foreign students around the world and flying them to Rwanda as pawns in a disinformation project-thus, they pour more salt on the wounds of Banyarwanda that have never healed. 

    Now you can understand why Universities associated with Paul kagame are not producing quality graduates that can be productive in the real world. Thus, no employer in this world, would want to give a job to a graduate that has had their field study in Paul Kagame’s Autocracy. As any descent and visionary company makes it one of its ethos to follow world events and tell facts from propaganda. Thus, they’re able to read between the lines- apart from Killing, plundering Congo and begging the international community for donations and grants, what else does Paul Kagame’s government know??

    Abanyarwanda, africa, Akazu, Byumba, colonel Patrick Karegeya, Congo, Congo Genocide, Democratic Republic of Congo, General Charles Kayonga, General Kayumba, hutu, James Kabarebe, janet kagame, jannet kagame, Jeannette Nyiramongi Kagame, Joseph Sebarenzi, Juvenal Habyarimana, Kagame's Crimes, Kayumba Nyamwasa, Opportunities to invest in Rwanda, Pasteur Bizimungu, RPF, Rudasingwa, Rwanda Defence Forces, rwanda ,Congo Crimes, Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC, Jeannette Kagame, Paul kagame, RDC, Rwanda, Rwanda Patriotic Army, Rwanda Press

    It will amaze you how many times, Dictator Paul Kagame has spent with the Rwandan people doing and saying good things as compared to foreign countries.The only time we can remember him spending time with Banyarwanda, is when they’re being humiliated, threatened with death, verbally abused, and of-course murdered. That’s what foreign worshipers call visionary leadership-imagine a fool that sponges on Rwanda tax payers, and foreign donations in the name of Banyarwanda treating them like nothing.

    Such a person deserves to be put chini ya urinzi and later before a firing squad-end of story. Really, for how long are members of RDF going to be cowards??

    The last few months, Dictator Paul Kagame has been trying to make himself relevant to a clique of people around the world-we saw him waffling in Davos Switzerland, to a bunch of  elite crooks tacked away in a 3rd class workshop. Then there was the other gathering of village chiefs and governors in kenya  and the Cape Verde casino. Of-course, what Banyarwanda have failed to realise or even understand, is the benefit behind all those trips and praises.

    The one thing people should understand is that- its not Rwanda benefiting, but criminal Paul Kagame. At no point will you ever hear the selected audience praising Banyarwanda and their hard-work, but what we keep hearing…its all about Paul Kagame this…Kagame that… Thus, they’re all swimming in criminal Paul Kagame’s cesspool of feces and plotting how to enslave Banyarwanda.

    The failure for Rwanda leadership to put its people first- is not accidental, but a design and deep belief in inferiority complex. The rogue band of Kagame worshipers tend to ask him, how he has managed to perform his invisible miracles?? Really, if Rwanda had its own home grown solutions, then why would a poor country that relies on begging other nations, spend a fortune on foreign public relations crooks- to clean Paul Kagame’s vices that are known by even the youngest child in Congo and Rwanda??

    Does spending $16,000 a night on a hotel room in New York by Paul Kagame, mount to a Rwandan home grown solution on accommodation?

    Has any of those people singing the Paul Kagame’s miracle bothered to research and read about the economic indicators. ie. income par capita of Rwandans between 1980-1990, access to social services,social harmony,etc. if Yes, then why is Rwanda state today, the biggest beggar on the African continent??

    Abanyarwanda, africa, Akazu, Byumba, colonel Patrick Karegeya, Congo, Congo Genocide, Democratic Republic of Congo, General Charles Kayonga, General Kayumba, hutu, James Kabarebe, janet kagame, jannet kagame, Jeannette Nyiramongi Kagame, Joseph Sebarenzi, Juvenal Habyarimana, Kagame's Crimes, Kayumba Nyamwasa, Opportunities to invest in Rwanda, Pasteur Bizimungu, RPF, Rudasingwa, Rwanda Defence Forces, rwanda ,Congo Crimes, Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC, Jeannette Kagame, Paul kagame, RDC, Rwanda, Rwanda Patriotic Army, Rwanda Press

    The problem here is the meddling of foreign crooks in the misfortune of Rwanda-if Banyarwanda themselves in the country are living in abject poverty and have no way out, then what authority has some punk seated and farting on sausages and doughnuts in a New York and London Plaza has to understand the plight of Banyarwanda- apart from being merchants of doom, what else have they done for humanity??

    What is so pathetic about the lot, is their expertise in the Rwanda catastrophe. This being that time of the year when the scavenger feeds on the caucus of its victim, the Rwanda genocide has been turned into a golden goose that lays for them eggs every year. Just like they've managed to pile all bones of dead Banyarwanda into one ethnicity propaganda web-mainly Tutsi and denied them a descent burial, the dead are now a commercial product that can be used to solicit for funds to run fundraising scums,propaganda conferences and seminars in different parts of the world, while the families of the dead are left in endless grief and poverty. Meanwhile the Hutus,Twa and mixed ethnicity have been condemned to their last generation, and are not supposed to grieve for their loved ones. Really, what sort of people profit from the dead???

    The sickening bit is when some CEO of a multinational company becomes the moral authority on the plight of Banyarwanda and distorts the facts of what really happened.

    The arrangement of the so called top global business people to invite a well known killer to Davos Switzerland,has nothing to do with empowering Banyarwanda, but to give relevance to criminal Paul Kagame and his associates. One could even wonder how Howard Schultz, the CEO of Starbucks interest in Paul Kagame is Rwanda’s benefit-very wrong. But a personal business arrangement that involves cheap labor and of-course tax evasion using Ninja accounting in the name of empowering Banyarwanda.

    But what those buddies of Criminal Kagame are doing, is run away from their responsibility in their countries,that has led 99% of the world to live in misery;homelessness,unemployment,abuse,dis-empowerment,etc. They just don’t care about humanity, as they can always meet in Davos and have a laugh at their victims. Now you can understand why young people always turn off their TV sets when the likes of Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, etc.show their guilty faces.

    The only relevance that Criminal Paul Kagame might be hallucinating of to the international community, is the use of Banyarwanda in UN peace keeping missions. However,the work being done is under the intentional arrangement and not Criminal Paul Kagame’s personal project or personal business. If the criminal died today, it would not mean the end of the UN mandate of using Rwanda peace keepers.

    Today the pressing issue mostly troubling those service women and men, is fair pay. What we seem to have in place, is a form of modern day slave labor.

    Though their money-salaries is meant to be payed to their bank accounts-and on time,their hard earned money is fleeced away and stolen by Paul kagame’s associates.Can you really imagine how heartless some people can be towards their fellow Banyarwanda!!

    By the time the pay is received by the soldiers and their families, instead of receiving $800 per month on their Bank accounts,they’re only paid $60 and sometimes they can spend 8 months with nothing.

    Abanyarwanda, africa, Akazu, Byumba, colonel Patrick Karegeya, Congo, Congo Genocide, Democratic Republic of Congo, General Charles Kayonga, General Kayumba, hutu, James Kabarebe, janet kagame, jannet kagame, Jeannette Nyiramongi Kagame, Joseph Sebarenzi, Juvenal Habyarimana, Kagame's Crimes, Kayumba Nyamwasa, Opportunities to invest in Rwanda, Pasteur Bizimungu, RPF, Rudasingwa, Rwanda Defence Forces, rwanda ,Congo Crimes, Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC, Jeannette Kagame, Paul kagame, RDC, Rwanda, Rwanda Patriotic Army, Rwanda Press

    While criminal Paul Kagame’s mafia is busy stealing the soldiers money and paying for foreign trips,eating Nyama choma, paying for prostitutes,building mansions,etc. the poor soldiers are left in a state of misery, permanent debts and desperation. In fact, you’ll find many of them begging for cigarettes from Wanainchi and relatives.

    This has become very normal-Yani, Majeshi wanatombwa katika mukunduni!

    The strategy to always allow Banyarwanda to kupakasa (slave) for UN, does not benefit the country and Banyarwanda as a whole, but a clique of Paul Kagame. This heartless attitude towards the soldiers of Rwanda Defence Forces that are putting their lives on the line, year-in and year-out to help and serve other people, should be fought by any means necessary. Lazima tutajekombowa!

    Though an order is an order, but the order should  be fair, dignified and also carry its rewards- because soldiers are like any worker and citizen-they also have needs and families, just like the rest of Banyarwanda. Those Bipingamizi hiding behind RPF that are not paying Rwanda soldiers and stealing their money, one day you’ll pay with a very high price!!

    Thus, Paul Kagame has become irrelevant in Rwanda, and instead has turned into a full-time parasite that feeds on the dead and misery of Banyarwanda. Like any parasite, it will never stop till its stopped by courageous Patriots.

    Next time we shall discuss his cowardice and fear

    Free Uganda
  • Yoweri Museveni's List of Thieves

    Virunga Mountains

    yoweri museveni,president Museveni,Yoweri Kaguta Museveni,Dictator Museveni,Kaguta Museveni

    Today 90% of  Uganda institutions are either broken and rotten due to chronic mismanagement or are run by an extended or family member of Criminal Yoweri Museveni.Thus, the regime of Criminal Yoweri Museveni will not only be remembered for killing and embezzlement, but also for mercilessly destroying Uganda institutions.

    What is sickening and pathetic, is the way Uganda elite class has shamelessly participated in destroying the Uganda social fabric-wanting free things and stealing from other people, has become the mainstream national culture of Uganda. Thus, every fund in the public purse regardless of saving lives-preventing disease so Ugandans can grow up to lead productive lives, is there for the taking by the elite and their accomplices.

    yoweri museveni,president Museveni,Yoweri Kaguta Museveni,Dictator Museveni,Kaguta Museveni

    The most worrying thing is the notion that has been embedded in the elite class, that Uganda is gifted by nature. Maybe gifted by natural mismanagement,corruption,copying,war mongering,idle talk,etc.
    Thus, Uganda being gifted by nature does not mean that wanainchi have an equal share in it, nor is the so called nature going to be there in the next ten years and in the hands of Ugandans. What we seem to have in the Uganda thieving League, are the same faces since; Obote(1),Amin, UNLF,Obote(2),Museveni(1),Museveni(2),Museveni(3),Museveni(4)…

    yoweri museveni,president Museveni,Yoweri Kaguta Museveni,Dictator Museveni,Kaguta Museveni

    While the Asians and other races are eating the best organic foods from Uganda, Ugandans are becoming the fastest consumers of organically modified products in the world. All Uganda forests and swamps are now owned by a few individuals-80% of fertile land is owned by 7% and their foreign surrogates.
    The population has been militarised not to defend their country, but a criminal ideology of Dictator Yoweri Museveni.
    However, in most cases-the very militarised population is so ignorant to even understand that, they’re instead guarding their own property that has been stolen from them,by Criminal Yoweri Museveni. Thus,the best commandos that Uganda has ever trained, are now guarding the Uganda oil fields that have already been stolen under their noses, and sold to foreigners. Banauganda bba Fala nyoooooooooo!

    yoweri museveni,president Museveni,Yoweri Kaguta Museveni,Dictator Museveni,Kaguta Museveni

    The criminal league of Uganda thieves is getting bigger and better at concealing its trucks-they’ve learnt how to make transfers of different thieves to various juicy organisations.

    We found that the thieves have infiltrated all organisations that have an endless pot of money such as, institutions for higher learning, Religious,medical(Hospitals,Clinics,etc)establishments,the old ministry,etc. Of course, the criminal league would not survive without functioning patronage networks that have been created by Criminal Museveni and Criminal Amama Mbabazi and their respective parasitic families and friends.

    yoweri museveni,president Museveni,Yoweri Kaguta Museveni,Dictator Museveni,Kaguta Museveni

    The criminal ring in Uganda has many faces-the thieves that have milked your country should be exposed regardless of their titles,academic knowledge,relationship,etc. as a thief is a thief and nothing less.

    What is so sad, is the manner these criminals are celebrated as contributors towards social-economic transformation and attainment of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals in Uganda. Nonsense!!

    As if Uganda didn’t exist and our people were living in caves and trees before the so called United Nations Millennium Development Goal in Uganda was planted as a tool to mug our people. 

    This new face of Uganda criminals tend to be holders of academic titles(Bba twasoma),well connected,members of an established civil organisation like a political party,commission,civil society,committee,etc. They all tend to have three common characteristic;Parasitic, arrogance and self-importance. bepanka nyo atte balina amazaluo!

    yoweri museveni,president Museveni,Yoweri Kaguta Museveni,Dictator Museveni,Kaguta Museveni

    But as many of you are very aware, Uganda also has another class of hardcore thieves like;Yoweri Museveni,Amama Mbabazi,Moses Ali, Salim Saleh,Kahinda Otafire,Mike Mukula,Jim Muwhezi,Hajji Nasser Ntege Sebaggala aka ‘Sseya’,Gen. David Sejusa a.k.a Tinyefuza, etc. this list will be published soon as we need to first show you another criminal face that has been hiding among you for a very long-time.

    1. Hope Mwesigye (professional embezzler and black-mailer)
    2. Rebecca Kadaga (Speaker of Parliament)
    3. Juliet Semambo Kalema (Uganda Embassy in China)
    4. Bishop Elia Paul Luzinda Kizito (Bishop of Mukono Diocese)
    5. Canon Dr. Sheila Zaramba Ndyanabangi (Ministry Of Health)
    6. Dr Alfred Lwako (Agency For Accelerated Regional Development)
    7. Dr Allen Byamugisha (Deputy Librarian Makerere University)
    8. Dr Charles Mbire (Chairman MTN UGANDA)
    9. Dr John Baptist Kirabira (MaKerere University)
    10. Dr Johnson Ngorok (Country Director Sight Savers Uganda)
    11. Dr Moses Nduhira Twesigye–Omwe(Uganda Technical College Kichwamba)
    12. Dr Mubazi John Kigongo (Faculty of Economics and Mgt Makerere University)
    13. Dr Obwoya Kinyera Sam (Physics Department Kyambogo University)
    14. Dr Oteba Martin (Pharmacy Division Ministry of Health)
    15. Dr Samuel Baker Kucel (Deputy Vice Chancellor Busitema University)
    16. Dr Sazir Nsubuga Mayanja (Uganda Land Commission)
    17. Dr Shirazi Meghani (Chairman Megha Industries Ltd)
    18. Dr Tumwine Fredrick Ruguma (Makerere University)
    19. Dr Yayi Alfred (Yumbe District Health Office)
    20. Dr. Ahmad Kawesa Sengendo (Vice Chancellor Islamic University in Uganda)
    21. Dr. Albert Byamugisha (Office of The Prime Minister Of Uganda)
    22. Dr. Birungi Mutahunga (Executive Director Bwindi Community Hospital)
    23. Dr. Yusuf K. Nsubuga (Ministry Of Education and Sports)
    24. Eng Hon Irene Margaret Nafuna-Muloni (Minister for Energy and Minerals

    25. Badru M. Kiggundu (Chairman Electoral Commission)
    26.Keith Mukahanizi(finance ministry permanent secretary)
    27. Keith Kalyegira (Capital Markets Authority (CMA) )
    28. Apollo Ssegawa (Managing Director of CURAD)
    29. Patrick Bitature (Board Chairman Umeme Limited)
    30. Charles Chapman (managing director of Umeme)
    31. Elly Karuhanga (Partner Kampala Associated Advocates)
    32. Moses Magogo(FUFA President)
    33. Amelia Kyambadde (Minister of Trade and Industry)
    34. Asuman Kiyingi (Minister of State for Regional Cooperation)
    35. Barbara Oundo Nekesa (Minister of State For Karamoja Affairs)
    36. Ernest Kiiza Apuuli (Minister of State for Bunyoro Affairs)
    37. Prof Ephraim Kamuntu (Minister for Water and Environment)
    38. Fred Jachan Omach Mandir (Minister of State for General Duties)
    39. Dr Ruhakana Rugunda (Ministry Of Health)
    40. John M. Nasasira(Minister for ICT)
    41. Justice Irene Esther Mulyagonja Kakooza (Inspector General of Government)
    42. Justice Professor Lillian Tibatemwa-Ekirikubinza (Court of Appeal)
    43. Kalisa Kabagambe (Permanent Secretary Ministry Of Energy and
    Minerals Development)
    44. Fagil Musa Mandy (ChairmanUganda National Examination Board)
    45. Rosemary Mutyabule (Director, Business Advisory services, Enterprise Uganda)
    46. Francis Kamulegeya (Country Manager Price Waterhouse Coopers
    47. Joseph “Ambiance” Kiyimba (disco tycoon)
    48. Margret Nantongo Zziwa (Speaker for the East African Legislative Assembly)
    49. Bamugemereire George (Deputy Inspector General of Government)

    yoweri museveni,president Museveni,Yoweri Kaguta Museveni,Dictator Museveni,Kaguta Museveni

    50. Ben Mugasha (Chairman Bemuga Forwarders Ltd)
    51. Charles Odere (Managing Partner Lex Law Associates)
    52. Davy Mugamba (Managing Partner Pro-Plan Partners)
    53. Norbert Mao (Democratic Party (DP) President)
    54. Edwards Katto (Commissioner Ministry of Energy And Minerals
    55. Godfrey Arnold Dhatemwa
    56. Gordon Mwesigye (Permanent Secretary Uganda Human Rights
    57. Hasmukh Purshottam Dawda (Chairman Britannia Allied Industries Ltd)

    58. Ilahi Maasu Mansoor (Commissioner Technical Education Minsitry of
    59. John Eric Mugyenzi (CEO Uganda Electricity Generation Co.Ltd)
    60. Michael Mugabi (Corporation Secretary Housing Finance Bank)
    61. Moru Ben Constantine Grace (Chairman Kiryandongo District)
    62. Newton Jazire (CEO Lions Assurance Uganda)
    63. Ngobi Fredie Aggrey (Chief Administrative Officer Kibuku District)
    64. Nicholas John Okwi (CEO Housing Finance Bank)
    65. Omagor Martin (Ministry Of Education and Sports)
    66. Patrick Mutimba (Makerere University Investment Office)
    67. Paul Kintu (Commissioner for Community Affairs-Ministry Of Internal
    68. Peter Etabu (Country Director-Right to Play Uganda)
    69. Robinson Nsumba Lyazi (Commissioner for Private Schools Ministry of
    Education and Sports)
    70. Rubondo Ernst (Commissioner for Petroleum Ministry Of Energy and
    Minerals Development)
    71. Ssansa Mugenyi Frederick Edward (Office of the Prime Minister)
    72. William Mugarura Kanyesigye (Chief Administrative Officer Kasese
    73. Allen Kagina (Uganda Revenue Authority)
    74. Christine Rebecca Nakyali Mubiru (Policy Analyst Ministry of Health)
    75. Deborah Tibamwenda Kabahweza (Internal Auditor Bank of Uganda)
    76. Jacqueline Mbabazi (Chairperson Agency for National Development)
    77. Julian Kyomuhangi (Ministry of Health)
    78. Kamariza Joweria (Principal Accountant Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
    79. Sekai Chikowero (Country Director Africare Uganda)
    80. Serinah Mushang Muganzi (CEO Millennium Promotions)
    81. Valerie Miquel (UNCB)
    82. Abalo Gertrude (Fisheries Training Institute)
    83. Asteway Desta Zemedagegnehu (DHL Uganda)
    84. Ongodia Nicholas Etinu (Commissioner Passport Control Office)
    85. Prof David Bakibinga (School of Law Makerere University)
    86. Kizza Besigye (former leader of the Forum for Democratic Change Party)
    87. Prof Pius Okong (Chairman Health Service Commission)
    88. Prof. Solomon Baluki Wakabi (Vice Chancellor Fairland University)
    89. Prof. Tarsis Bazana Kabwegyere (Minister for General Duties Office of The
    Prime Minister)

    90. Rev. Dr. Solomon Basabose Nkesiga (Vice Chancellor Bishop Stuart
    91. Rev.Dr. Florence Isabirye Muranga (Executive Director Presidential Initiative
    on Banana Industrial Development)
    92. Jacob Oulanyah (Deputy Speaker of Parliament of Uganda)
    93. Khalid Sheikh (Chairman Clifton Packaging UK)
    94. Rosemary N. Ssenabulya(Federation of Uganda Employers (FUE))
    95. The Rt Rev Dr Stephen Samuel Kaziimba Mugalu (Bishop of Mityana Diocese)

    96. Alex Kibandama (National Roads Authority (UNRA) lawyer)

    97. William Tumwine (National Roads Authority (UNRA) lawyer)

    98. Sheikh Shaban Ramadhan Mubaje (Squatter at Uganda Muslim Supreme Council Offices)

    99.Hassan Basajjabalaba (chairman NRM entrepreneurs league)

    100. Dr. Silver Mugisha (National Water and Sewerage Cooperation (NWSC) )

    This list has not been ordered according to levels of criminality

    yoweri museveni,president Museveni,Yoweri Kaguta Museveni,Dictator Museveni,Kaguta Museveni

    What we want Ugandans to understand, is that anyone involved in taking our people for mugs, we shall expose them and also make sure in a post-Museveni government, they’ll be prosecuted.

    Free Uganda
  • Why Uganda Prime Minister is a Criminal

    Virunga Mountains

    Amama Mbabazi Due to the lack of original analytic skills, the Uganda press and its subsidiary of propagandist, have created a frenzy of a power struggle between the NRM criminal cartel. Because Ugandans most of the time, just copy and paste without analysing that information. Now the criminals have put them where they wanted-make them believe that NRM has a democratic process to allow dissenters to canvass for leadership among themselves.

    Amama Mbabazi Sometimes you wonder why Uganda politicians and their spouses are always taking our people for fools: their Wives,Children,Girlfriends and extended families, have got into the habit of imposing their cronyism on Uganda's political landscape.

    What is so amusing, is the support and sympathy they tend to get from opportunistic, political opposition fraternity when they're sinking to the cesspool. As always, political lapdogs like Kizza Besigye have spotted an imaginary window of opportunity that can be exploited and used to parachute his fat red lips to the Ugandan presidency-that's why he now sees Criminal Amama Mbabazi as a voice of freedom and reason.

    Sometimes you wonder why fools like Kizza Besigye continue to carry the title of Doctor when they lack basic commonsense. These are the type of people the Ugandan youth should keep away from, as they don't inspire,think logically nor have a vision to transform society for the better, but power hungry. However, we should not blame him as his part of the curse that befell Uganda and the great lakes region originating from Luwero Killing fields. Amama Mbabazi The one thing that disturbs me most, is the chronic thieving nature of Amama Mbabazi, apart from being a thief and a career parasite on Ugandans, what use is he to the people of Uganda?? This is a cheap fellow that has no shame to try and sell milk on twitter because someone has claimed to be an investor in Milk-not mentioning his corrupt wife-Jacqueline Mbabazi that brought down the Army enterprise when she was Luweero Industries general manager. Amama Mbabazi At the time,trading under Luweero Industries Limited, a subsidiary of the National Enterprises Corporation (NEC), they repaired and also sold small arms to private companies as well as exporting the bullets to neighboring countries. The company also fabricated  armored cars(Kiwani style) which were later sold to the Ministry of Defence. At the time, an AK47 gun at the factory cost about US$150. Thus,the factory could produce up to 20 lots, each lot consisting of 12 huge boxes of ammunition. Each bullet was said to cost about US$6 depending on the gun category. You can now understand why the region is flooded with small arms and mostly in the hands of criminals. Amama Mbabazi What is so amusing, the National Enterprises Corporation was formed by an Act of Parliament in 1995 to produce goods for the army. However,in a typical micro management style of the Museveni and Mabazi family,Other companies under NEC included NEC Lime (Dura), NEC pharmaceutical, NEC Katonga Farm and UPDF Tailoring Unit. At the end of the day, the Enterprise became bankrupt with no financial management records to show. The Nakasongola factory also used to repair and supply arms to the Rwanda armed forces before the two countries. fought over Gold and dDamond in Kisangani,Congo RDC. Apparently the thieving Whore is now Criminal Yoweri Museveni's special adviser on special duties. What a bunch of criminals!!! Yoweri Museveni The political scene in Uganda is now being pampered by all sorts of opportunistic individuals that have only one agenda: Steal,Divide Ugandans,Confuse Ugandans,Enslave Ugandans,Kill Ugandans,Grab land and property, Spread diseases,Turn Neighbouring Countries against Ugandans and bring Uganda to its knees. But what the scumbags have failed to realise, is that Ugandans are very resilient, and Uganda has always been there and they'll leave it behind but very bruised-Many of them will end up in ICC or similar institutions to answer for crimes against Humanity. Amama Mbabazi The destruction of Uganda has been caused mainly by two families. Thus,everything in Uganda is in the hands of two criminal families; Museveni’s and Mbabazi’s, meaning Uganda is now a booty between two parasitic families. Amama Mbabazi What Ugandans should understand, is the nature of these criminals-apart from Jacline Mbabazi, who else has been appointed to advise criminal Museveni on special duties?? How can we forget the personalisation of Uganda Revenue authority by Jacqueline Mbabazi ,when she was the customs commissioner, when she issued circulars to border post custom officials to not tax and let contra-band goods into the republic of Uganda, because she could do it. Amama Mbabazi Thus, the nation ends up raring parasites that see anything as collateral damage and should be stolen by any means necessary. When people are brought-up in such environment, the need to see and fight state criminal parasites becomes impossible as they're part and parcel of that dodgy life-line.

    What is so sad, is when security operatives impose themselves on Ugandans as Journalists and Human rights activists and later at night they retire to bed with the dictatorship of both Uganda and Rwanda. The worst thing that can happen to a people is to be enslaved by a ruthless,arrogant and backward autocrat like Yoweri Museveni. The thug  just kills people,imprisons them and then steals the little they have. Yoweri MuseveniWhat I've heard from some circles of Ugandans, especially the twasoma(elite) is indeed- they feel the pain but are waiting for outsiders to come and rescue them. Very wrong.....outsiders can only come on your side when they see that you're also doing something and not just fantasies. The Liberation for Uganda should be today and not tomorrow as time is not on our side. Amama MbabaziThose criminals running Uganda are the best cowards and that's why they're always surrounded with guns for protection-its only cowards like them that will find the first exit when the people rise-up. What Ugandans should understand is that, the army is also suffering like the rest of Ugandans and its just a clique of few criminals that are using and giving them a bad name.

    Free Uganda
  • Uganda Art in the corridors of Power

    Virunga Mountains

    The political scene in Uganda is always stage managed by a monopolistic media establishment that is controlled and managed by Yoweri Museveni's autocracy.

    amama mbabazi,uganda prime minster

    What we're fed on is what the regime plants in the press for Ugandans to consume, but rarely do our people read and analyse what is behind the story.

    Andrew Mwenda,Mwenda andrew,Uganda Uganda art

    That's why its imperative for citizens to disseminate the truth and facts according to the way they see them-the truth should always be told and not ride on a propaganda bandwagon of the state.

    uganda,uganda art,yoweri museveni,museveni,uganda human rights,uganda freedom,free uganda,ugandans,uganda artists,uganda politics,uganda gays,gay rights in uganda

     The one thing that disturbs me, is the chronic thieving nature of Amama Mbabazi, apart from being a thief  and parasite on Ugandans, what use is he to the people of Uganda??

    uganda,uganda art,yoweri museveni,museveni,uganda human rights,uganda freedom,free uganda,ugandans,uganda artists,uganda politics,uganda gays,gay rights in uganda

    This is a cheap fellow that sells milk on twitter-not mentioning his corrupt wife-Jacqueline Mbabazi that brought down the Army enterprise especially when the army was still  in its infancy and recovering from battle trauma-apparently she's now a Criminal Yoweri Museveni's special adviser on special duties. What a bunch of criminals!!!

    uganda,uganda art,yoweri museveni,museveni,uganda human rights,uganda freedom,free uganda,ugandans,uganda artists,uganda politics,uganda gays,gay rights in uganda

    The political scene in Uganda is being pampered by all sorts of opportunistic individuals that have only one agenda-steal,divide Ugandans,confuse Ugandans,enslave Ugandans,Kill Ugandans, and destroy Uganda.

    yoweri museveni,uganda,africa,dictators

    But what they failed to understand is that, Uganda has always been there and they'll leave it behind but very bruised-Many of them will end up in ICC or similar institutions to answer for crimes against Humanity.

    kare kayihura,uganda,uganda art,yoweri museveni,museveni,uganda human rights,uganda freedom,free uganda,ugandans,uganda artists,uganda politics,uganda gays,gay rights in uganda 

    uganda,uganda art,yoweri museveni,museveni,uganda human rights,uganda freedom,free uganda,ugandans,uganda artists,uganda politics,uganda gays,gay rights in uganda

    With no doubt, Kare Kayihura should be behind bars for horrendous crimes against Humanity committed in Congo Democratic Republic and Uganda. But as the saying goes, justice never decays.

    yoweri museveni,uganda,africa,dictators

    The heavy weight of war criminals,Yoweri Museveni knows that his time is around the corner as his portfolio for crimes against humanity is already full and waiting for a wise and courageous prosecutor-to lock him up and throw away the key.

    uganda,uganda art,yoweri museveni,museveni,uganda human rights,uganda freedom,free uganda,ugandans,uganda artists,uganda politics,uganda gays,gay rights in uganda

     What is so sad, is when security operatives impose themselves on Ugandans as Journalists and Human rights activists and later at night they retire to bed with the dictatorship of both Uganda and Rwanda.

    uganda,uganda art,yoweri museveni,museveni,uganda human rights,uganda freedom,free uganda,ugandans,uganda artists,uganda politics,uganda gays,gay rights in uganda

    Then we have a full-time career parasite, called Janet Museveni that grabs anything as long as she can trade it for a dime.

    uganda,uganda art,yoweri museveni,museveni,uganda human rights,uganda freedom,free uganda,ugandans,uganda artists,uganda politics,uganda gays,gay rights in uganda

    The worst thing that can happen to a people is to be enslaved by a ruthless,arrogant and backward autocrat like Yoweri Museveni. The thug  just kills people,imprisons them and then steals the little they have.

    uganda,uganda art,yoweri museveni,museveni,uganda human rights,uganda freedom,free uganda,ugandans,uganda artists,uganda politics,uganda gays,gay rights in uganda

    What I've heard from some circles of Ugandans, especially the twasoma(elite) is indeed- they feel the pain but are waiting for outsiders to come and rescue them. Very wrong.....outsiders can only come on your side when they see that you're also doing something and not just fantasies. The Liberation for Uganda should be today and not tomorrow as time is not on our side.

    uganda,uganda art,yoweri museveni,museveni,uganda human rights,uganda freedom,free uganda,ugandans,uganda artists,uganda politics,uganda gays,gay rights in uganda

    Those criminals running Uganda are the best cowards and that's why they're always surrounded with guns for protection-its only cowards like them that will find the first exit when the people rise-up. What Ugandans should understand is that, the army is also suffering like the rest of Ugandans and its just a clique of few criminals that are using and giving them a bad name.


    To Be continued

    Free Uganda
  • Has Yoweri Museveni Got away with Crimes against Humanity?

    Virunga Mountains

    yoweri museveni,uganda,africa,dictators

    Today we see an aggressive PR machine trying to rehabilitate and market this hardcore criminal to society-like some saint. Yes, today if its not BBC,Aljazeera,etc. its the shameless greedy american establishment. We should not also forget the 3 Millions(US)$ being paid to an Irish gang by Uganda Taxpayers to clean Criminal Museveni's blood, whenever it starts spilling .

    uganda,yoweri museveni,museveni,uganda politics,paul kagame,drc,congo drc,congolaise

    Both Paul Kagame and Yoweri museveni having murdered 6 million Congolese in cold blood, now its this criminal duo that are blaming the Congolese for poor management of their country, and are offering western powers consultancy/ solutions for Congo. This is very insulting to those 6 million Congolese that have been massacred by the same thugs. If those powers want to keep their criminals, let them go ahead but stop insulting Congolese people.

    yoweri museveni,museveni,uganda,uganda art,janet museveni,uganda president,ar uganda,museveni,kaguta museveni

    What is so disturbing about Museveni's Crimes against humanity, is the extent that, some powerful forces love a character like him. Yes, a brainwashed butcher that does all the dirty work can be relied upon as long as Africa is there to be plundered left-central,right, and south.

    We also have a culture of greed and opportunism among the African Political elite that is addicted to a patronage Modus Operand on society; this parasitic class acts as cheerleaders, and kingpins to state criminals and has mastered the art of managing corruption and cover-ups.

    This pathetic political class can be found both in Uganda and diaspora-human rights ,rule of law,justice and social development means nothing to them, as long as they can be given a position to milk sleepy Ugandans.

    uganda,yoweri museveni,museveni,uganda politics,paul kagame,drc,congo drc,congolaise

    Can this criminality and  impunity be sustained forever?

    Of-course not, because no criminal cartel has ever outlived human blood, and especially when its in millions. The right-time will come to bring Criminal Museveni and his accomplices before justice-the people's justice like the one we saw criminal Muammar Gadaffi facing, is what scum bugs like Museveni,Kagame, etc. deserve and nothing less.

    uganda,yoweri museveni,museveni,uganda politics,paul kagame,drc,congo drc,congolaise

    This day is not that far as Uganda is soon going to face a nasty political check-out!!!!

    Free Uganda
  • Rwanda Criminal Cartel

    Virunga Mountains

    As I write this post-God knows how much blood, murderer Kagame(Pilato) has shed today in the Democratic Republic of Congo assuming that its indeed a democratic republic. What readers should understand is that, the Human rights abuses in Congo have an international dimension: forget about Eastern Congo, because that's were the Illuminati mafia wants you to concentrate and not see the Congo saga -let's try and look at Congo as a whole.

    The so called international community loves insecurity in a region were they can easily plunder resources unabated using regional criminals such as Paul Kagame and Yoweri Museveni to commit murder-under the disguise of fighting terrorism.

    They'll praise a murderer by using economic development mantra-meaning that, they can rape the country unchallenged. i.e. recently the IMF mafia at a retreat of hardcore criminals in kigali, said that "Rwanda is among the 10 most-improved economies in Sub-Saharan Africa"

    What exactly this means, is that the infrastructure for corruption, thieving, money laundering, murder,etc. is the best in Africa. Top global criminals can easily commit crime undetected- thus,private jets can easily fly-in with no much questions asked. Basically, Congo is like a woman with a sweet pussy that everyone wants to fuck, however in this case she's being raped and fucked doggy style from Rwanda.

    In a modern criminal cartel such as the one in Rwanda; Transportation,Communication, Money laundering and of-course Hotels(where orgies are arranged) must be of high quality to make life easy for visiting criminals that might check-in anytime to make a picking of Coltan, Gold,etc.

    However, Rwanda is not only about plundered minerals from Congo, its also a top supplier of Human organs in the world-of-course Congolese organs.Its believed that between May 2011 and Feb 2012, 400 pairs of Kidneys went through Kigali Airport.

    Now you can understand when IMF criminals brag that " Rwanda has seen remarkable progress over the past decade. Rwanda was one of the fastest growing economies in the world over the period, with economic growth averaging over eight percent,”

    Pilato's private residence at Lake Muhazi

    In the Kagame's criminal Cartel, the schmoozing is unbelievable as you'll hear criminals, yapping shamelessly:

    Mr Kagame are you hungry..., Mr Kagame do you want a new jet..., Mr kagame fly over and share breakfast with me, Mr Kagame do you want free silencers for your guns..., Mr Kagame do you want to send your boys to our military academy..., Mr Kagame don't worry we have destroyed the ICC files..., Mr Kagame do you want to have an exclusive on aljazeera ..., Mr Kagame do you want an underground bunker..., Mr Kagame do you want a bank account in Bermuda or Switzerland...., Mr kagame do you want chemical or biological weapons..., Mr Kagame do you want a red carpet in France or America..., Mr kagame do you want an award..., Mr Kagame do you want us the ICC to pass a guilty verdict on Thomas Lubanga so the Human rights community can leave you alone...., Mr Kagame do you want a good story in the uganda red pepper or the uganda independent (both tabloids are run by security operatives), Mr Kagame do you want us to warn the South African president to keep Kayumba Nyamwasa and Rwanda National Congress out of the lime-light... Mr Kagame do you want us to threaten Umuvugizi journalists...., Mr Kagame do you want your ass wiped with a towel or a spray?

    To be Continued

    Joram jojo

    Free Uganda