The economical and social malaise in Uganda are the faults of the Rwandan Migrant turned Uganda President, Yoweri Museveni. The destruction of Uganda economic power house and the fragmentation of Ugandan society into tribal enclaves that have more powers than Members of parliament-the working class here, the middle class there, and the bourgeoisie here.These are deeply ingrained concepts that have bee used to divide the Uganda nation by Criminal Yoweri Museveni and his collaborators both local and international
afro art
The Crumbling Regime of Yoweri Museveni
Uganda Modern Art with No Limits
Sometimes when we put limits to our creativity,we tend to shortchange ourselves. Creativity should not have limits-i.e. African art should look like this, you should use these colors,that is offensive "political correctness from insecure people", etc.
Don't let people tell you how to be creative-create and let them judge afterwards and always allow criticism as its your driver to success. Its only losers that hate criticism-even great prophets like Jesus and Mohammed(peace be upon them) had critics.
Always enjoy your art-have fun and don't try to please [critics] as you'll never come out of the conformity cocoon.Break the rules when creating Art, don't limit yourself to mental slavery-remember your brains are there to be used and not suppressed from thinking beyond the norm...
I believe in a parallel universe, were they're multiple billions of copies of everything living on this planet, maybe another copy of you, could be living like this...hahaha!
alien planet
Alien planets could be very colorful -remember that all light has color regardless of the planet in our universe-though some light cannot be visible with naked eyes-what you might consider to be darkness(pitch black) is not the case-that's why night vision technology in its infancy,green is the most visible color-in 5-years time it could be all the primary colors RGB.
alien planet
alien planet
alien planet
alien planet
What is so strange, is that we're all made of the same stuff but in a different chemical arrangement-all living things and weird burning planets have carbon as a common element..
So, when you die, its not your end, remember that in the beginning you were just a your solid bones-what I'm trying to say is that you're infinite because our universe started with a bang with the intention of expanding and your part of the same stuff that makes the universe. However, I'm not sure of other universes, as they're Billion.....Billion...Billion......................Billion other universes. maybe, the chemistry is different.
Maybe this could be the original you on another planet -hahaha.. Maybe in our parallel universe, weird things happen..
I believe we're all holograms and that's why we have fucked up holograms like yoweri museveni, Hosni Mubarak, Paul Kagame,Muammar Gaddafi, etc.
This Art is a continuation from the last post-inspiring Uganda students of Animation. Just like I said before, think dark and break the rules,don't chicken to experiment, because art is all about experimentation,always make sketches-planning is the key to success.
This chopper is somewhere in the virunga Area..
Let's play Art this year....I look forwards to posting some animation here sometimes this year!
In this issue, I'll continue from where I stopped last time...
This Art is not the usual stuff I normally do, its just that I'm trying to escape from the mindset of my usual work(3D Animation). I wanted to put out some stuff, so that Ugandan students of Animation at Makerere university can be inspired to do dark 3D art.
armada of futuristic transporters
In this piece, I was inspired by Professor Stephen W. Hawking, life in the universe documentary, Maybe some planets have life and no gravity-everything just floats, while the ground spins, endlessly-I reckon with such planet, the technology could be 1 million years superior than ours.
maybe, on some planets this is how they eat...
Maybe, this could be the way people on other planets go to toilet-a bit like barbecuing oneself...
transportation on planets similar to ours could be something like this...
Maybe..maybe, some planets could look like this. In next issue, I'll try to imagine how the people(Aliens) might live...
To be continued
joram jojo