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  • Before Uganda Dictator became a Full-time War criminal

    Virunga Mountains

    Yoweri Museveni is responsible for the death of 5.5 million africans- from Uganda, Rwanda,Sudan and Congo DRC. The people of Uganda and the world believe very strongly that Yoweri Museveni should be arrested as soon as possible. We also call upon the international community to impose a travel burn on Yoweri Museveni and his squard of killers. 

    Before Museveni became a War criminal, he Killed the following Ugandans:

    † Brig. Perino Okoya, commander of Second Infantry Brigade, 1970.
    Personally shot dead by GSU intelligence officer Yoweri Museveni.

    † Nicholas Stroh, American journalist, 1971.
    Murdered by Lt. Silver Tibahika on orders of Museveni, for investigating FRONASA's murder of Acholi and Langi army officers.

    † Robert Siedle, Makerere University lecturer, 1971.
    Murdered by Lt. Silver Tibahika on orders of Museveni, for investigating FRONASA's murder of Acholi and Langi army officers.

    † James Bwogi, director of Uganda Television, 1971.
    Murdered by FRONASA agents to tarnish image of President Idi Amin.

    † Michael Kabali Kaggwa, president of Uganda Industrial Court, 1971.
    Murdered by FRONASA agents and burnt in his car, to turn Baganda against Amin.

    † Father Clement Kiggundu, Roman Catholic priest and former editor of Muuno newspaper, 1971.
    Dragged from altar during Mass to turn Baganda and Catholics against Amin.

    † Raiti Omongin, first leader of FRONASA, 1972.
    Personally shot in the mouth by Museveni during a morning parade in Tabora, after Museveni's claim to FRONASA leadership was challenged.

    † Ali Picho Owiny, former GSU intelligence officer and colleague of Museveni, 1972.
    Murdered during the attack on Mbarara by Museveni because of his habit of humiliating Museveni in the office. The murder was blamed on Amin's soldiers.

    † Valerino Rwaheru, comrade in arms of Museveni, 1972.
    Killed by Museveni to eliminate challenge to his leadership of FRONASA.

    † William a.k.a "Black" Mwesigwa, comrade in arms of Museveni, 1972.
    Murdered during invastion of Mbarara, to be blamed on Amin's troops.

    † Basil Kiiza Bataringaya, former minister of Internal Affairs, 1972.
    Murdered by FRONASA agents and thrown into Rwizi river in Mbarara.

    † Erifazi Laki, county chief of Rwampara, 1972.
    Killed by FRONASA agents on orders of Museveni, because as a former GSU intelligence officer Laki possibly knew of Museveni's hand in murdering Brig. Okoya or was a threat to Museveni's ambitions. The private detective who in 2001 undertook to investigate Laki's murder was poisoned on orders of Museveni.

    † Patrick Ruhinda, lawyer, 1972.
    Murdered by FRONASA to turn Ankole against Amin.

    † Benedicto Kiwanuka, president general of DP and Chief Justice, 1972.
    Abducted from the High Court buildings and shot dead by FRONASA agents near Bombo Road, Wandegeya.

    † Frank Kalimuzo, vice chancellor of Makerere University, 1972.
    He was murdered by FRONASA agents, to cause fear in Uganda's civil service and academic circles. The story of Kalimuzo's death given by Kintu Musoke had many inconsistencies.

    † John Kakonge, secretary general of Uganda People's Congress, 1972

    † James Karuhanga, comrade in arms of Museveni, 1973.
    He was shot dead by Museveni and blamed on Amin's troops.

    † Hope Rwaheru, wife of Museveni and sister of Valeriano Rwaheru, 1973.
    The mother of Museveni's son, Muhoozi Kainerugaba, reportedly strangled by Museveni in Dar es Salaam.

    † Lt. Col. Michael Ondoga, minister of Foreign Affairs, 1974.
    He was Kidnapped and murdered by FRONASA agents led by Kahinda Otafiire and body thrown into River Nile.

    † Martin Mwesiga, comrade in arms of Museveni, 1974.
    He was shot dead by Museveni after he witnessed shooting of Omongin.

    † Magara an NRA commander in the 1981-86 Luwero bush war.
    He was sent by Museveni to Kampala from the bush. When he arrived in Kampala Museveni rang Dr. Nsaba Buturo who was then a District Commissioner for Kampala and told him that a bandit was in Kampala. Dr. Nsaba Buturo passed on the information to Serwano Kabogorwa who was then Director of military intelligence at Park Hotel. Magara was then tracked down and killed by UNLA In Kampala.
    Museveni did this with his men who had infiltrated the UPC and are now openly with him like Dr. Nsaba Buturo

    Free Uganda