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  • Uganda anarchists dump FDC!

    Virunga Mountains

    We have decided to stop supporting FORUM FOR DEMOCRATIC CHANGE "FDC".
    Groups that don't repect the parents of this nation don't deserve to be respected and supported at the same time by us. THe following primitive actions don't have room in a modern Uganda!
    FDC fans disrupt Miria’s rally.
    We once said on radiorhino.org/forum that we shall be very upset when Sam Njuba and his people( FDC "REFORM AGENDA) start playing: "Bulli mwana na nyina" Selfish!!

    FDC Should apologise to Mamaa Miria Obote!

    ROWDY fans of FDC presidential candidate Kizza Besigye on Thursday forced UPC presidential candidate Miria Kalule Obote to flee a rally in Sembabule district.
    On her way to Sembabule, Miria found a rally at Mbirizi near the road to Sembabule, being addressed by Besigye.

    She was allowed to continue with her journey to Sembabule. However, along the way, Miria came across several Besigye fans holding tree branches. Upon arrival in the outskirts of Matete town in Sembabule, overzealous Besigye fans told her to leave the place.

    "I don't know why he was there. His rowdy supporters were hostile to us and wanted to cause an accident," Miria said after the incident.
    "His supporters sat on the bonnet of one of our cars in the convoy and said we are talking hogwash," added the UPC candidate.

    Miria then had to abandon a rally she was supposed to address and headed towards Masaka where she made a number of stopovers to address her supporters.
    She later on returned to Kampala.

    Miria said she would petition the Electoral Commission over the incident."
    According to the EC programme, Miria was supposed to campaign in Sembabule while Besigye was supposed to campaign in Hoima district.
    According to the EC rules, two presidential candidates cannot carry out a concurrent campaign in one locality.

    FDC spokesperson Wafula Oguttu said, " Besigye has been having problems with courts. So he has to go nearby so that he goes to court, it was not deliberate. We are under the G6 coalition and he must be sorry."
    EC spokesman Okello Jabweli was unavailable for comment.

    Free Uganda
  • Uganda news

    Virunga Mountains

    Like we promised before, the media centre has arrived!
    This platform empowers you with jounalistic skills-you're able to publish a story using the following medias; Video, audio and text.

    This is an open source publishing platform-No passwords or Membership!

    We're still waiting for the state terrorist to come and destroy because that is the only job they're left with.

    Thankyou for all your support.


    Free Uganda
  • Africa's Top War Criminal still at large!

    Virunga Mountains

    Yoweri Museveni is responsible for the death of 5.5 million africans- from Uganda, Rwanda,Sudan and Congo DRC. The people of Uganda and the world believe very strongly that Yoweri Museveni should be arrested as soon as possible. We also call upon the international community to impose a travel burn on Yoweri Museveni and his squard of killers. 

    "Justice in northern Uganda requires that the ICC thoroughly examine UPDF abuses of the civilian population as well as abuses by the LRA. The willful killings, torture and mistreatment, rape and arbitrary arrests and detention of civilians by UPDF soldiers highlighted in this report are serious crimes that may fall within the ICC’s jurisdiction.The ICC has jurisdiction over war crimes particularly when committed as part of a policy or plan or on a large scale.

    The government remains responsible for many of the hardships and abuses endured by the displaced population. Since 1996 the government has used the army to undertake a massive forced displacement of the population in the north and imposed severe restrictions on freedom of movement. While justifying the displacements on grounds of security, the government has forcibly displaced people without a lawful basis under international law and then has failed to provide the promised security. Many of those displaced, including almost the entire population of the three Acholi districts live in squalid conditions in displaced persons camps that are susceptible to LRA attacks. The Ugandan army has failed to protect these camps, compounding the harm inflicted by the original forced displacement."

    Museveni's criminal army has continued to abuse ugandans with no impunity see report

    Free Uganda