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  • Sudanese take-over uganda security

    Virunga Mountains

    By Smart Musolin

    Reliable security information has confirmed the arrival in Uganda of a large number of Sudan Liberation Army (SPLA) troops on mission to prop up the Museveni dictatorship.

    The dictator announced at his last rally at Kololo of the deployment of 12,000 troops to "scare those planning to cause trouble in the country".

    While he suggested he would use UPDF troops redeployment, it has now emerged that he referred to the SPLA soldiers. Political parties have protested at this development saying candidate Museveni had no authority to usurp the powers of the electoral commission without consultations.

    The arrival of this large contingent of the Anyanya soldiers comes amidst reports of an imminent collapse of the Bahiima/Basiita military and security command and several conflicting reports about the whereabouts of General Wamala Katumba.

    Earlier reports of his arrest were denied although speculation is still rising that Museveni's loyalists like Salim Saleh, Aronda Nyakaima and Muhozi Kainerugaba were now treating General Wamala Katumba as a renegade soldier.

    One source has said Museveni's resort to Anyanya soldiers was testimony of Museveni despair since he had always claimed his mission was to fight Anyanya soldiers in Uganda.

    A high ranking SPLA/M leader Rebecca Garang widow of former SPLA/M leader John Garang recently joined the Museveni campaign trail, an action that was protested by various political parties as interference in Uganda's internal affairs.

    Museveni has proved illustrated that he would break any rules friendship, party belonging, and national security just to promote his personal ambitions.

    In Sembabule near Masaka, Museveni supported a DP backed independent candidate Sentongo and openly defied his hosts Sam Kutesa and Anifa Kawooya at a public rally.

    He even publicly rebuked the official NRM candidate Dr Elly Muhumuza simply because Ssentogo appeared to command a bigger public following.

    While in Tororo district, Museveni again endorsed an independent candidate of Asian origin against the officially endorsed candidate. Like elsewhere, Museveni simply considered his presidential re-election pursuit as paramount to all niceties of protocol, party allegiance and political decency.

    In resorting to the deployment of military mercenaries in Uganda, Museveni is thus simply pursuing the trend of personal ambitions at the expense of national security and all else. He has even sacrificed his sacred Black Mamba, Presidential Guard Brigade and the CMI.

    Further reports have suggested that Museveni is co-ordinating the SPLA soldiers deployment with help of Idi Amin's son Taban Amin re-known for the terror he cause while imposed at Makerere University in the years gone by.

    Museveni recently appointed Taban Amin as the second in command of the dreaded Internal Security Organisation (ISO).

    Taban's father General Idi Amin ruled Uganda from 1971-79 called the reign of terror when his notorious security apparatus called the State Research Bureau (SRB) that murdered nearly 800,000 Ugandans.

    While the West Nile and the entire Northern Uganda have rejected Yoweri Museveni, it is only Taban acting as an individual who has succumbed to bribery and embraced the disgraced dictator. Political opponents have said Museveni had resurrected the SRB through Amin's son.

    Meanwhile, Rwanda has closed its border with Uganda. In a surprise move, Rwanda cited its national security interests as the basis for closing the boarder for the electoral period in Uganda.

    Uganda has protested against the closure. Several foreign nationals are leaving Uganda for the safety of Kenya and Tanzania. Several upcountry towns have been evacuated of foreign nationals in convoys of mainly four-wheel vehicles.

    Indians who are known to be sympathisers of the Museveni regime have panicked at the turn of events as their master faces electoral defeat.

    The FDC candidate Dr Kizza Besigye has assured the country that Museveni would have no capacity to resist electoral defeat or refuse to hand over.

    Speaking on Radio West in a two-hour programme, Besigye said, Museveni was already in the heap of history and none should listen to his unlawful threats that would never be implemented.

    Like elsewhere in Uganda, the people of Entebbe are chanting; MUSEVENI AGENDA; MUSEVENI MUGENZI!!

    Smart Musolin
    Entebbe (Uganda)

    Free Uganda