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Uganda - Page 12

  • Not Shut-down!!

    Virunga Mountains

    Dear Comrades,

    We have not been shut-down!!!
    Your site is being redeveloped with new modules and a new campaign.
    The new campaign requires a first and robust server for all to participate including my 85 year old grandma.

    Joram Jojo
    Uganda anarchist collective

    Free Uganda
  • Resistance is fertile! International Women's Day

    Virunga Mountains

    International Women's Day (IWD) is marked on March 08 every year. It is a major day of global celebration for the economic, political and social achievements of women. The first IWD was observed on February 28 1909 in the United States following a declaration by the Socialist Party of America. Among other relevant historic events, it commemorates the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire (New York, 1911), where over 140 women lost their lives.

    The idea of having an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. The garment workers were protesting what they saw as very poor working conditions and low wages. The protesters were attacked and dispersed by police. These women established their first labor union in the same month two years later.
    More protests followed on 8 March in subsequent years, most notably in 1908 when 15,000 women marched through New York City demanding shorter hours, better pay and voting rights. In 1910 the first international women's conference was held in Copenhagen by the Socialist International and an 'International Women's Day' was established, which was submitted by the important German Socialist Clara Zetkin. The following year, IWD was marked by over a million people in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. However, soon thereafter, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City killed over 140 garment workers. A lack of safety measures was blamed for the high death toll. Furthermore, on the eve of World War I, women across Europe held peace rallies on 8 March 1913.
    Demonstrations marking International Women's Day in Russia proved to be the first stage of the Russian Revolution of 1917. Following the October Revolution, the Bolshevik feminist Alexandra Kollontai persuaded Lenin to make it an official holiday, and it was established, but was a working day until 1965. On May 8 1965 by the decree of the USSR Presidium of the Supreme Soviet International Women's Day was declared as a non working day in the USSR "in commemoration of outstanding merits of the Soviet women in communistic construction, in the defense of their Motherland during the Great Patriotic War, their heroism and selflessness at the front and in rear, and also marking the big contribution of women to strengthening friendship between peoples and struggle for the peace". However, it didn't have too much political flavor and was an occasion for men to express their sympathy or love to the women around them - somewhat similar to Western Mother's Day and St Valentine's Day mixed together.
    The day remains an official holiday in Russia (as well as in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Tajikistan, and Ukraine), and is observed by men giving the women in their lives flowers and gifts. When Czechoslovakia was part of the Soviet Block this celebration was supported officially and gradually turned into parody.
    During the rule of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in Czechoslovakia (1948–1989) the International Women's Day (in Czech: Mezinárodní den žen, in Slovak: Medzinárodný deň žien, abbreviated as MDŽ) was used as a tool of the party propaganda, which hoped to convince women that the party cared about them and considered their needs in formulating social policy.
    During the last decades of the regime, this event morphed into a parody of itself. On every March 8th almost every woman got a flower and a small gift (typically soap or a towel) from her employer. Many men took this day as a convenient opportunity to spend the day drinking in the local pub. As a result, the original aim of expressing respect and sympathy to women was completely lost. The party's ritualistic celebration of Women's Day became so stereotypical that it was even ridiculed in movies and on television in Czechoslovakia.
    After the fall of socialism in Czechoslovakia (1989) MDŽ was quickly abandoned as one of the most mocked symbols of the old regime. The few attempts to reestablish the celebration have been met with sarcasm. The slightly more popular attempt to establish the Mother's Day as replacement has largely failed as well.
    In Hungary Women's Day was used as a propaganda tool too, but nevertheless the custom of giving women flowers still prevails. Women usually get gifts from their employers too.
    In the West, International Women's Day was commemorated during the 1910s and 1920s, but dwindled. It was revived by the rise of feminism in the 1960s. In 1975, which had been designated as International Women’s Year, the United Nations gave official sanction to and began sponsoring International Women's Day.
    The 2005 Congress (conference) of the British Trades Union Congress overwhelmingly approved a resolution calling for IWD to be designated a public holiday in the United Kingdom.
    Today many events are held by women's groups around the world. The global women's organization Aurora hosts a free worldwide register of IWD local events (www.internationalwomensday.com) so that women and the media can locate local activity. Many governments and organisatons around the world support IWD. For example, HSBC hosts a range of IWD activity including co-hosting of the UK's flagship IWD event with women's group Aurora. Global interest in IWD shows a steady increase.

    Free Uganda
  • site being re-developed

    Virunga Mountains

    Your site is being redeveloped with new modules and a new campaign.
    Try the second quarter of this year for new toys to play with!!!

    Time to get working

    With love

    Uganda anarchist collective

    Free Uganda
  • Killing of Civilians by the MPLA (Angolan State)

    Virunga Mountains

    Click Image

    Republic of Cabinda to File Allegations with International Criminal Court against Angola: Genocide, War Crimes
    London, 2 March 2006 For Immediate Release
    Republic of Cabinda Press Agency (RCPA)
    The Republic of Cabinda will soon be filing a referral and request for investigation of Angolan war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity with The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno-Ocampo. This situation involves crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court committed anywhere on the territory of the Angola including the illegally occupied enclave of Cabinda since 1 July 2002, the date of entry into force of the Rome Statute.
    In accordance with the Rome Statute and the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, the Prosecutor will be asked to carry out an analysis in order to determine whether to initiate an investigation. For this purpose, he will seek additional information in relation to the criteria set out in the Statute, including the gravity of alleged crimes, any relevant national proceedings, and the interests of justice. All victims and witnesses are asked to provide information to the Republic of Cabinda’s attorney – Jonathan Levy - through the contact information below.
    Angolan troops invaded Cabinda on 11 November 1975. Cabinda was a Portuguese Protectorate since the signing of the Treaty of Simulambuco in 1885, and became known as the Portuguese Congo. Troops from Angola are still occupying Cabinda and committing organized atrocities against Cabindans including rape, summary execution, and genocide. The government of Cabinda and the defense forces of FAC exercises control over the majority of the enclave. An Angolan military offensive begun in 2002 has included organized torture, rape, murder, and looting but has not broken the spirit of the Cabindan people.
    The Office of the Prosecutor is also currently conducting investigations in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

    For further information, please contact :
    Mangovo Ngoyo
    The Cabinda High Commission, United Kingdom
    Phone: 44 + 7909 653 984
    E-mail: cabinda@gmail.com
    Free Uganda
  • Sudanese take-over uganda security

    Virunga Mountains

    By Smart Musolin

    Reliable security information has confirmed the arrival in Uganda of a large number of Sudan Liberation Army (SPLA) troops on mission to prop up the Museveni dictatorship.

    The dictator announced at his last rally at Kololo of the deployment of 12,000 troops to "scare those planning to cause trouble in the country".

    While he suggested he would use UPDF troops redeployment, it has now emerged that he referred to the SPLA soldiers. Political parties have protested at this development saying candidate Museveni had no authority to usurp the powers of the electoral commission without consultations.

    The arrival of this large contingent of the Anyanya soldiers comes amidst reports of an imminent collapse of the Bahiima/Basiita military and security command and several conflicting reports about the whereabouts of General Wamala Katumba.

    Earlier reports of his arrest were denied although speculation is still rising that Museveni's loyalists like Salim Saleh, Aronda Nyakaima and Muhozi Kainerugaba were now treating General Wamala Katumba as a renegade soldier.

    One source has said Museveni's resort to Anyanya soldiers was testimony of Museveni despair since he had always claimed his mission was to fight Anyanya soldiers in Uganda.

    A high ranking SPLA/M leader Rebecca Garang widow of former SPLA/M leader John Garang recently joined the Museveni campaign trail, an action that was protested by various political parties as interference in Uganda's internal affairs.

    Museveni has proved illustrated that he would break any rules friendship, party belonging, and national security just to promote his personal ambitions.

    In Sembabule near Masaka, Museveni supported a DP backed independent candidate Sentongo and openly defied his hosts Sam Kutesa and Anifa Kawooya at a public rally.

    He even publicly rebuked the official NRM candidate Dr Elly Muhumuza simply because Ssentogo appeared to command a bigger public following.

    While in Tororo district, Museveni again endorsed an independent candidate of Asian origin against the officially endorsed candidate. Like elsewhere, Museveni simply considered his presidential re-election pursuit as paramount to all niceties of protocol, party allegiance and political decency.

    In resorting to the deployment of military mercenaries in Uganda, Museveni is thus simply pursuing the trend of personal ambitions at the expense of national security and all else. He has even sacrificed his sacred Black Mamba, Presidential Guard Brigade and the CMI.

    Further reports have suggested that Museveni is co-ordinating the SPLA soldiers deployment with help of Idi Amin's son Taban Amin re-known for the terror he cause while imposed at Makerere University in the years gone by.

    Museveni recently appointed Taban Amin as the second in command of the dreaded Internal Security Organisation (ISO).

    Taban's father General Idi Amin ruled Uganda from 1971-79 called the reign of terror when his notorious security apparatus called the State Research Bureau (SRB) that murdered nearly 800,000 Ugandans.

    While the West Nile and the entire Northern Uganda have rejected Yoweri Museveni, it is only Taban acting as an individual who has succumbed to bribery and embraced the disgraced dictator. Political opponents have said Museveni had resurrected the SRB through Amin's son.

    Meanwhile, Rwanda has closed its border with Uganda. In a surprise move, Rwanda cited its national security interests as the basis for closing the boarder for the electoral period in Uganda.

    Uganda has protested against the closure. Several foreign nationals are leaving Uganda for the safety of Kenya and Tanzania. Several upcountry towns have been evacuated of foreign nationals in convoys of mainly four-wheel vehicles.

    Indians who are known to be sympathisers of the Museveni regime have panicked at the turn of events as their master faces electoral defeat.

    The FDC candidate Dr Kizza Besigye has assured the country that Museveni would have no capacity to resist electoral defeat or refuse to hand over.

    Speaking on Radio West in a two-hour programme, Besigye said, Museveni was already in the heap of history and none should listen to his unlawful threats that would never be implemented.

    Like elsewhere in Uganda, the people of Entebbe are chanting; MUSEVENI AGENDA; MUSEVENI MUGENZI!!

    Smart Musolin
    Entebbe (Uganda)

    Free Uganda
  • Before Uganda Dictator became a Full-time War criminal

    Virunga Mountains

    Yoweri Museveni is responsible for the death of 5.5 million africans- from Uganda, Rwanda,Sudan and Congo DRC. The people of Uganda and the world believe very strongly that Yoweri Museveni should be arrested as soon as possible. We also call upon the international community to impose a travel burn on Yoweri Museveni and his squard of killers. 

    Before Museveni became a War criminal, he Killed the following Ugandans:

    † Brig. Perino Okoya, commander of Second Infantry Brigade, 1970.
    Personally shot dead by GSU intelligence officer Yoweri Museveni.

    † Nicholas Stroh, American journalist, 1971.
    Murdered by Lt. Silver Tibahika on orders of Museveni, for investigating FRONASA's murder of Acholi and Langi army officers.

    † Robert Siedle, Makerere University lecturer, 1971.
    Murdered by Lt. Silver Tibahika on orders of Museveni, for investigating FRONASA's murder of Acholi and Langi army officers.

    † James Bwogi, director of Uganda Television, 1971.
    Murdered by FRONASA agents to tarnish image of President Idi Amin.

    † Michael Kabali Kaggwa, president of Uganda Industrial Court, 1971.
    Murdered by FRONASA agents and burnt in his car, to turn Baganda against Amin.

    † Father Clement Kiggundu, Roman Catholic priest and former editor of Muuno newspaper, 1971.
    Dragged from altar during Mass to turn Baganda and Catholics against Amin.

    † Raiti Omongin, first leader of FRONASA, 1972.
    Personally shot in the mouth by Museveni during a morning parade in Tabora, after Museveni's claim to FRONASA leadership was challenged.

    † Ali Picho Owiny, former GSU intelligence officer and colleague of Museveni, 1972.
    Murdered during the attack on Mbarara by Museveni because of his habit of humiliating Museveni in the office. The murder was blamed on Amin's soldiers.

    † Valerino Rwaheru, comrade in arms of Museveni, 1972.
    Killed by Museveni to eliminate challenge to his leadership of FRONASA.

    † William a.k.a "Black" Mwesigwa, comrade in arms of Museveni, 1972.
    Murdered during invastion of Mbarara, to be blamed on Amin's troops.

    † Basil Kiiza Bataringaya, former minister of Internal Affairs, 1972.
    Murdered by FRONASA agents and thrown into Rwizi river in Mbarara.

    † Erifazi Laki, county chief of Rwampara, 1972.
    Killed by FRONASA agents on orders of Museveni, because as a former GSU intelligence officer Laki possibly knew of Museveni's hand in murdering Brig. Okoya or was a threat to Museveni's ambitions. The private detective who in 2001 undertook to investigate Laki's murder was poisoned on orders of Museveni.

    † Patrick Ruhinda, lawyer, 1972.
    Murdered by FRONASA to turn Ankole against Amin.

    † Benedicto Kiwanuka, president general of DP and Chief Justice, 1972.
    Abducted from the High Court buildings and shot dead by FRONASA agents near Bombo Road, Wandegeya.

    † Frank Kalimuzo, vice chancellor of Makerere University, 1972.
    He was murdered by FRONASA agents, to cause fear in Uganda's civil service and academic circles. The story of Kalimuzo's death given by Kintu Musoke had many inconsistencies.

    † John Kakonge, secretary general of Uganda People's Congress, 1972

    † James Karuhanga, comrade in arms of Museveni, 1973.
    He was shot dead by Museveni and blamed on Amin's troops.

    † Hope Rwaheru, wife of Museveni and sister of Valeriano Rwaheru, 1973.
    The mother of Museveni's son, Muhoozi Kainerugaba, reportedly strangled by Museveni in Dar es Salaam.

    † Lt. Col. Michael Ondoga, minister of Foreign Affairs, 1974.
    He was Kidnapped and murdered by FRONASA agents led by Kahinda Otafiire and body thrown into River Nile.

    † Martin Mwesiga, comrade in arms of Museveni, 1974.
    He was shot dead by Museveni after he witnessed shooting of Omongin.

    † Magara an NRA commander in the 1981-86 Luwero bush war.
    He was sent by Museveni to Kampala from the bush. When he arrived in Kampala Museveni rang Dr. Nsaba Buturo who was then a District Commissioner for Kampala and told him that a bandit was in Kampala. Dr. Nsaba Buturo passed on the information to Serwano Kabogorwa who was then Director of military intelligence at Park Hotel. Magara was then tracked down and killed by UNLA In Kampala.
    Museveni did this with his men who had infiltrated the UPC and are now openly with him like Dr. Nsaba Buturo

    Free Uganda
  • Uganda anarchists dump FDC!

    Virunga Mountains

    We have decided to stop supporting FORUM FOR DEMOCRATIC CHANGE "FDC".
    Groups that don't repect the parents of this nation don't deserve to be respected and supported at the same time by us. THe following primitive actions don't have room in a modern Uganda!
    FDC fans disrupt Miria’s rally.
    We once said on radiorhino.org/forum that we shall be very upset when Sam Njuba and his people( FDC "REFORM AGENDA) start playing: "Bulli mwana na nyina" Selfish!!

    FDC Should apologise to Mamaa Miria Obote!

    ROWDY fans of FDC presidential candidate Kizza Besigye on Thursday forced UPC presidential candidate Miria Kalule Obote to flee a rally in Sembabule district.
    On her way to Sembabule, Miria found a rally at Mbirizi near the road to Sembabule, being addressed by Besigye.

    She was allowed to continue with her journey to Sembabule. However, along the way, Miria came across several Besigye fans holding tree branches. Upon arrival in the outskirts of Matete town in Sembabule, overzealous Besigye fans told her to leave the place.

    "I don't know why he was there. His rowdy supporters were hostile to us and wanted to cause an accident," Miria said after the incident.
    "His supporters sat on the bonnet of one of our cars in the convoy and said we are talking hogwash," added the UPC candidate.

    Miria then had to abandon a rally she was supposed to address and headed towards Masaka where she made a number of stopovers to address her supporters.
    She later on returned to Kampala.

    Miria said she would petition the Electoral Commission over the incident."
    According to the EC programme, Miria was supposed to campaign in Sembabule while Besigye was supposed to campaign in Hoima district.
    According to the EC rules, two presidential candidates cannot carry out a concurrent campaign in one locality.

    FDC spokesperson Wafula Oguttu said, " Besigye has been having problems with courts. So he has to go nearby so that he goes to court, it was not deliberate. We are under the G6 coalition and he must be sorry."
    EC spokesman Okello Jabweli was unavailable for comment.

    Free Uganda
  • Uganda news

    Virunga Mountains

    Like we promised before, the media centre has arrived!
    This platform empowers you with jounalistic skills-you're able to publish a story using the following medias; Video, audio and text.

    This is an open source publishing platform-No passwords or Membership!

    We're still waiting for the state terrorist to come and destroy because that is the only job they're left with.

    Thankyou for all your support.


    Free Uganda